Welcome to iBDC AI Solutions

Our iBDC AI business solutions are here to revolutionize the
content generation and proposal writing process, saving your team time and effort.

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How it Works

Our Features

Discover our wide range of services that is tailored to elevate your content marketing game, including an innovative content marketing AI that can provide you with instant feedback on your marketing efforts, and a reliable paraphrasing tool that can help you create unique and engaging content. Check out all our services below and let us help you take your digital presence to the next level.

Content & Proposal Writer AI

Our content & proposal writer AI generation uses AI and natural language processing to quickly generate high-quality content and proposals. It’s an innovative solution that saves time and resources while ensuring your written materials are of the highest quality.

Paraphrasing Tool

Our paraphrasing tool using AI generation quickly and accurately rewords existing text. With AI and natural language processing, it produces unique, high-quality content while saving time and effort for content creators.

PDF Copilot AI

Our PDF Copilot uses advanced algorithms to quickly scan and analyze documents, producing accurate and concise summaries and descriptions. With this innovative technology, you can save time and effort while still gaining a comprehensive understanding of the content of any document.

Chat AI

Using our chat AI offers a seamless and efficient way to interact and obtain information. With its advanced language model and natural language processing capabilities, our chat AI can provide accurate responses and assist users in various tasks, making conversations engaging and productive.

More features will be added


Our system enables seamless team collaboration by allowing multiple users to work on the same documents or folders simultaneously. It improves communication, productivity, version control, and secure sharing.

Managed Documents

Our system features provide a secure location for managing documents. It allows for easy and centralized organization of important files, ensuring that they are kept safe and accessible to authorized users. With our system, you can rest assured that your documents are protected from unauthorized access, while still being easily accessible when needed.

Access System

iBDC AI system allows admins to efficiently manage their teams by assigning access authorization. It ensures that sensitive information is protected while enabling easy collaboration between authorized team members, improving communication and productivity.

24/7 Support

We offers 24/7 support to provide customers with assistance whenever they need it. This improves customer satisfaction and loyalty by ensuring that issues are quickly addressed, regardless of the time of day or night.

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Start using iBDC AI Solution

Don’t wait any longer to experience the benefits of our AI solution. Start using it now to streamline your workflows, improve productivity, and save time and resources. With our innovative technology, you can stay ahead of the competition and achieve your goals faster. Take the first step towards success today by trying our AI solution.